Monday, September 28, 2015

A Message For Young Muslimahs PART 1

Assalmualikum (Peace be Upon You),
This is a brief message for all the young Muslimahs out there... BE YOURSELF.

Girls, you have no idea how important it is, to be yourself. Especially, in this age of complicated social networking and worldwide connection. Unfortunately, as girls, we believe we must conform to the rest of society and do what majority of people expect us to do.

I've been grateful enough to live through the transition from having to turn off the internet connection to use the phone to, carrying the world in our pockets. And I must say I am glad that this transition took place in my early teenage years. Basically, I can say that I've lived the best of both worlds. Hence, the reason behind why I am skeptical of many of the decisions I make. I've seen so many people make decisions in their lives that they've come to regret in the long run.

However, we are humans after all. And we are bound to make mistakes. The actual question is, "Why would we deliberately make an avoidable mistake?" Yes, worldly desires are very tempting, but honestly, think:

  • Will having our eyebrows on "fleek" matter on the day of judgement?
  • Is it necessary to have the latest iPhone, when the one you currently have the previous edition that works perfectly fine?
  • Does having Kylie Jenner lips actually make you look attractive? 
These are just a few questions we should seriously think about. Now do not get me wrong, I am not saying applying makeup and pampering yourself is wrong. But feeling insecure about yourself and your natural face, is wrong. No one should walk out their houses with the mindset of thinking a person that does not apply makeup is inferior to a person that does. Insecurity gradually kills a person from within themselves usually leading to depression. Could you ever imagine, your mind being your greatest enemy?

In this age of YouTube videos and easy access to reaching out to people all over the globe, just about anyone can become a self trained MUA. We live in an era, where appearance and the latest trends matter more than social issues. 

For example, in the year 2015 alone multiple countries such as Syria, Palestine, China, Burma, etc. are suffering major crisis. With such advanced technology, people are still unaware of local tragedies and injustices. In 2015 alone the number of police related incidents/ shootings have drastically increased. However, are we aware of these matters? The honest answer is, no. In an era of  major technological advancement and socializing, we are dehumanizing ourselves and have actually become less social. 

Think twice, before you make any decision in your life. It could be the smallest decision ever, for example whether or not you should shape your eyebrows, even after knowing that the cons outweigh the pros. Or it could be a major life changing decision for example, whether you drop out of school to become a certified MUA. Always, keep a back up plan in mind before making major decisions in life. 

To the teenage girls, I must say you girls are surviving through one of the toughest times, ever. You have to balance your social life, education and these social changes all at once. Just remember, our lives in this world are temporary and our actual destination awaits us based on our decisions, actions and intentions of this world. Don't get so caught up in the mist of worldly desires that you forget who you are.

May Allah (SWT) keep us on the straight path, and prevent us from going astray.

Always Be Yourselves,
Another Advising Muslimah
P.S Please note, I am not an alimah nor am I a professional, if I make any mistake in my work, do not be hesitant at pointing it out. Comment if you want a Part 2 :), or if you have any general questions. I will try to answer to the best of my ability. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sunni Vs. Shias

(Note: I am not a scholar, nor do I have enough knowledge to say I am entirely correct as this is a very sensitive topic. If you believe I have wrong information please feel free to let me know.) 
What Triggered Division in Islam?
When the Prophet Muhammad died in the early 7th century he left not only the religion of Islam but also a community of about one hundred thousand followers. The question was who would succeed the Prophet and lead these followers?
A larger group of Muslims chose Abu Bakr as the caliph. The literal translation of caliph is "one who replaces someone else who left or died," in the context of Islam, however caliph means the successor to Prophet Muhammad's position as the political, military, and administrative leader. 
v  Who was Abu Bakr?
Abu Bakr was not only the Prophet Muhammad’s companion, but he was also his best      friend. Abu Bakr was one of many few Muslims who trusted the Prophet Muhammad blindly. Unlike many other companions Abu Bakr witnessed many things along with the prophet, and led the prayer on behalf of the prophet during his days of illness.
However another smaller group believed that the Prophet's son-in-law and cousin, Ali, should be Caliph. They understood that the Prophet had appointed him as the sole interpreter of his legacy, in both political and spiritual terms. In the end Abu Bakr was appointed First Caliph.
v  Who was Ali?

Ali was the son of Abu Talib, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle (who was not a Muslim) which made him Prophet Muhammad’s cousin. Ali was one of the first children who accepted Islam at a young age. Ali ended up marrying Prophet Muhammad’s daughter, Fatima. Fatima and Ali had four children; however Fatima died 10 years after her marriage to Ali. 

·         940 million followers
·         Wide range of Hadiths (collection of sayings of the Prophet Muham-mad) from the compa-nions of the Prophet.
·         Five Daily Prayers
·         Only celebrates Eid
·         Temporary Marriage is not allowed.
·         Self-flagellation is strongly prohibited.
·         Believes in only 5 pillars.
·         Leader is known as an imam, to be an imam you must have:
1.    Knowledge of the Quran
2.    Knowledge of the hadith.
3.    Knowledge of the sayings of the Salaf-us-Salaheen; that is to know which rulings they disagreed and upon which they were unanimous.
4.    Knowledge of Arabic linguistics
5.    Knowledge of Qiyas, the knowledge by which one learns the method of deriving a ruling from the Quran and Sunnah. (The way Prophet Muhammad lived his life.)  

·         120 million followers
·         Certain Hadiths from 12 dependable Imams.
·         Permits combining some prayers into three daily prayer times.
·         They place a small tablet of clay from a holy place on which they place their forehead whilst prostrating.
·         Different
·         Temporary Marriage is allowed.
·         Believe in self-flagellation.
·         Believes in 10 pillars, Jihad (sacrifice), Amr-Bil-Ma'rūf (Promotion), Nahi-Anil-Munkar (Dissuasion), Tawalla (Re-affirmation) and Tabara (disasso-ciation from the enemies of Islam
·         Leader is known as mujtahid, to be a mujtahid you must have the following:
1.    Maturity
2.    Being of legitimate birth
3.    Faith
4.    Intelligence
5.    Justice
·         Believes in one God.
·         Believes in the Prophet Muhammad.
·         Believes in the holy book, the Quran.
·         Shahada (Submission to God and his messen-ger), (Saum (Fasting), Zakat (Charity)and Hajj (Pilgrimage).
·         Use of statues and pictures are prohibited.
·         Friday is the holy day
·         Sub-Sects within Sunni and Shia groups
·         Holy cities are Makkah (Mecca), Madina (Medina), and Jerusalem. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012


My Ummah has been given five special things that were not given to anyone before them. Abu Hurairah relates that Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi wasallam) said 
1. The smell from the mouth of a fasting Muslim is sweeter for Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) than the pleasant smell of musk. 
2. The Fish in the sea seeks forgiveness on their behalf until they break their fast. 
3. Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) prepares and decorates His special Jannah every day and then says (to it) : " The time is near when My fruitful servants shall put away the load (of the world) and come to you." 
4. In this month, the rebellious shayateen are chained, so as not to cause those evils which they normally do during months other than Ramadhaan. 
5. On the last night of Ramadhan., the fasting Muslims are forgiven. The Sahabah there upon inquired O Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam), is that night "Laylat ul Qadr?" Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi wasallam) replied No, But it is only night that a servant should be given his reward on having completed his duty.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Habits We Should Change 2

This week's HWSC is:
"Backbiting and Gossiping"

Reason:Talking about someone when he/she is not there, and spreading lies about one another is not only haram but also inhuman. Backbiting could lead to many problems. Gossiping is lying and backbiting at the same time. Therefore you have two times the trouble. Before talking bad about someone, think whether you would like such a bad thing said about you. Backbiting and gossiping are two things many cultures carry and inherit. It is very hard to let go of such a thing that you've been brought up with and surrounded most of the time. But it is still worth a try, because it will not only help you in this world but the afterlife as well. (Inshallah)

Back Up Ayah:
O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, in deeds some suspicions are sins. And spy not neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear God, verily, God is the one who accepts repentance, Most Merciful. (49: 12)   

Friday, December 16, 2011

Habits We Should Change 1

As Muslims we forget to do many things. This week's HWSC (Habits We should Change) is :
"Talking in the Restroom"

Reason: Before entering the restroom, our recording angels (Kiraman Katibin) do not enter with us. They stay out side right in front of the door. The reason behind this is, haya or modesty. The angels do not want to see a person using the restroom. However the if the person is using the restroom and decides to speak, they have no choice but to come in and record what the person is saying.Therefore it is best for a person not to speak while using the restroom.   

Back Up Hadith: 
"Ibn 'Umar related that a man passed by the Prophet, upon whom be peace, and greeted him while he (the Prophet) was urinating. The Prophet did not return his greeting. (This is related by "the group," except for al-Bukhari.)"
"Abu Sa'eed reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, say, "Isn't it true that Allah detests those who converse while they relieve themselves?" This was related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Beautiful Hadith

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (PBUH), from among the things he reports from his Lord (mighty and sublime be He), is that he said:

"A servant [of Allah's] committed a sin and said: O Allah, forgive me my sin. And He (glorified and exalted be He) said: My servant has committed a sin and has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for them. 

Then he sinned again and said: O Lord, forgive me my sin. And He (glorified and exalted be He) said: My servant has committed a sin and has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for them. 

Then he sinned again and said: O Lord, forgive me my sin. And He (glorified and exalted be He) said: My servant has committed a sin and has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for sins. Do what you wish, for I have forgiven you."

It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari).

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ramdan Day 6: Ayah

"...whoever witnesses the Month of Ramadan should fast through it..." (Surah Baqarah:Ayah 185)